School Meals


School meals provider

Our school meals provider is Doncaster Council. Our menus comply with the standards of Silver accreditation by the Soil Association. Part of the criteria is that ingredient spend on ethical and environmentally friendly food and locally sourced ingredients is taken into account, including the use of Organic, MSC, Fairtrade and Freedom Foods. Please see below for our latest menu.

Menu from 3rd September 2024 

All school lunches, including those in receipt of Free or Universal Free School meals must be ordered via ParentPay a minimum of 1 week in advance. Where a school meal is not ordered within this timeframe, a packed lunch must be provided from home. Please see below the booking deadline dates. 





Snacks & Packed Lunch requirements

Dinner Money

The Government funds school meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  We charge £2.90 per day (£14.50 per week) to provide meals for children in Years 3 to Year 6.  All payments are made via Parent Pay.


Changing between school meals and packed lunch

We ask that pupils remain on the same option for each half-term and that requests to change are made by the end of the term before the change is due to take effect.  If your child would like to change from Packed Lunch to school meals, please email to request the form to choose the meal options. 


Free School Meals

If you think that your child may be entitled to free school meals please contact the school office and we can check this for you.