- Parents
- Attendance
- Term Dates
- School Opening Hours
- Holidays in term time
- Emergency School Closures
- How we manage behaviour
- Anti-Bullying
- School Uniform
- School Meals
- Packed Lunches
- Fruit and Milk
- Home Learning
- Remote Education
- Letters
- Support for parents
- SEND & Looked After Children (LAC)
- Early Help
- Thrive
- Children's University
- Online Safety
Our expectations
Your child's attendance at school is extremely important. We aim for all children to have 100% attendance and expect at least 95%.
Pupils should arrive on time: school begins at 8.45 am. We open the gates between 8.40am and 8.50am.
Please contact the school office if your child is absent.
How we try to secure good attendance
To encourage good attendance we celebrate attendance weekly, half-termly, termly and annually.
What happens if we are concerned about your child's attendance or punctuality
Where children's attendance or punctuality is a concern, we will try to address this in a number of ways:
- we will phone or write to you so that you are aware of our concern;
- if attendance or punctuality continues to be a concern we will ask you to meet with us to see how we can support an improvement;
- the local authority may become formally involved;
- in cases of very poor attendance, the local authority may recommend legal action.
Attendance Policy
Further information is available in our Attendance Policy within the policies section of our website.
Useful Links
DMBC Term dates
DMBC Attendance