- Parents
- Attendance
- Term Dates
- School Opening Hours
- Holidays in term time
- Emergency School Closures
- How we manage behaviour
- Anti-Bullying
- School Uniform
- School Meals
- Packed Lunches
- Fruit and Milk
- Home Learning
- Remote Education
- Letters
- Support for parents
- SEND & Looked After Children (LAC)
- Early Help
- Thrive
- Children's University
- Online Safety
Children's University
What is Children’s University?
Essentially, CU is an exciting way for your child to learn through having fun and be recognised and rewarded for it. CU is a national charitable trust designed to develop a love of learning by encouraging children to take part in a range of extra-curricular activities, led by their own curiosity and interests. Extra-curricular is anything outside of the classroom. Here in Doncaster, CU is delivered by our dedicated team at Doncaster College & University Centre.
Who can join Doncaster CU?
Any child living in Doncaster can join. It is typically for ages 5-14 and up to 25 for those with SEND, but we are flexible and are willing to offer membership to children and young people outside of this age range if they take part in extra-curricular activities. If your child’s school has joined us from September 2020 onwards, your child will be set up with a free CU account. If their school joined before September 2020 and they do not have an account, please contact us and we will set them one up for free.
When does it take place?
Whenever your child is participating in a voluntary extra-curricular activity. This includes activities which take place within school either before and after lessons and during lunch time and breaks. It can also be outside of school at clubs and organisations your child visits including at weekends and holidays, and activities they do at home.
How does it work?
In a nutshell, children and young people:
- Are set up with a CU Online account
- They collect CU hours for each activity they do at CU ‘Learning Destinations’ and certain activities at home and enter a unique stamp code assigned to that activity to claim the hours earnt on CU Online
- If their school has joined CU, the extra-curricular hours they do in school (After-school clubs, trips and residentials) will be recorded by our team
- They are then rewarded with our bespoke CU certificates
- Providing they have earnt one certificate during the year, they are invited to a graduation ceremony at Doncaster College & University centre
CU Online
You/your child will record and track their hours using their CU Online account. CU Online has now replaced the previous e-passport system and the physical counting of Passports to Learning. The use of a Passport to Learning is now optional and can be used if you/your child prefers to have a physical log of their CU hours but they will no longer be counted in school unless you are instructed otherwise by your child’s school. If you are unsure you can also ask the CU team and we will be able to advise.
Further Information
If you would like further information, please call the school admin team and they would be happy to discuss this further with you.
Please see below for further information.