- Parents
- Attendance
- Term Dates
- School Opening Hours
- Holidays in term time
- Emergency School Closures
- How we manage behaviour
- Anti-Bullying
- School Uniform
- School Meals
- Packed Lunches
- Fruit and Milk
- Home Learning
- Remote Education
- Letters
- Support for parents
- SEND & Looked After Children (LAC)
- Early Help
- Thrive
- Children's University
- Online Safety
Emergency School Closures
Sometimes we need to close the school in an emergency, for example if there is extreme weather. We will try to provide this information as early as possible and will make announcements using Trax FM (107.9) who provide half-hourly emergency information bulletins when there is extreme weather.
They also make this information on their website at www.traxfm.co.uk/news/school-closures/.