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We all have a statutory duty to “safeguard and promote the welfare of children”. If you have any concerns about the health and safety of a child at this academy or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away. Some issues e.g. a child’s appearance, hygiene, general behaviour, can be shared with any teacher or member of support staff in this setting. Do not worry that you may be reporting small matters – we would rather that you tell us things which turn out to be small than miss a worrying situation. However, if you think the matter is very serious and may be related to a child protection concern, e.g. physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect, you must talk to one of the people below immediately. If you are unable to contact them, you can ask the school office staff to find them and ask them to speak to you straight away about a confidential and urgent matter.
Any allegation or disclosure involving someone who works with children in a paid or voluntary capacity must be reported directly to the Principal, unless it involves them and then it should be reported directly to the Chair of the Local Governing Board. If it involves them, it should go direct to the CEO of the Trust who will report to the Local Authority Designated Officer. If in any doubt refer to the DSCP Policies and Procedures and contact the LADO.
Our Designated Safeguarding Team
Vicky Ward
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/Principal
Who to Contact
Where you believe there is immediate risk of significant harm the police should be contacted on 999.
To discuss any concerns with school staff phone our main school number 01302 361880 or our duty safeguarding officer on 07736912657 (Monday to Friday: 8.30am-3.30pm in term time / 10.00am-2.00pm during school holidays) or email safeguarding@sandringham.school.
General information and support is available from Doncaster Safeguarding Children Partnership.
For urgent safeguarding concerns please call the Duty team on 01302 737777.
If you have urgent concerns regarding a child or young person’s mental health, please call the DCST's Duty Team on 01302 796191.
NHS health information is available from www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school. The School Nursing Team can be contacted on 01302 566776.
Safeguarding Policy
Further information is available in our Safeguarding Policy within the policies section of our website.