How we manage behaviour


We have four school rules that summarise our expectations of adults and children:

  • We give respect
  • We show kindness
  • We act with responsibility
  • No matter what, we always try our best.


In the classroom we expect children will demonstrate these by:

  • being polite and respectful to everyone, using their manners towards adults and children;
  • getting on with their work responsibly and completing their work to the best of their ability;
  • keeping all classrooms tidy;
  • sharing and using materials sensibly returning them to the appropriate place;
  • following the classroom rules;
  • letting others get on with their learning;
  • listening to and following instructions;
  • raising hands to participate at appropriate times;
  • helping and supporting your friend;
  • not distracting others from their learning;
  • being part of a team;
  • being a role-model to other children;
  • using silent signals to follow instructions.


In the corridors and shared areas we expect children will demonstrate these by:

  • respecting other classes when moving to a different area in school;
  • showing good manners around school and addressing each other politely on the corridors;
  • walkingsensibly on the leftand quietly throughout school;
  • holdingdoors open for adults, visitors and other children;
  • keepingshared areas & corridors tidy.


In the playground we expect children will demonstrate these by:

  • being kind and friendly;
  • sharing;
  • using appropriate language;
  • keeping their hands and feet to themselves;
  • playing sensibly and not putting others at risk by selfish actions;
  • putting all equipment away carefully in the correct place;
  • playing games sensibly without falling out;
  • apologising whenthey need to;
  • looking after property of the school and of other children;
  • solvingproblems together;
  • solving disagreements without losing their temper, going through questioning to help to find a solution without resorting to aggression/physical violence.


We use the following rewards and consequences:



Behaviour Policy

Further information can be found in our Behaviour Policy within the policies section of our website.