
Children & Young Peoples Plan 2022-2025

20 October 2022

We are Doncaster Young Advisors and we work for Doncaster Council helping to shape and improve services for Children and Young People across the City.

We have recently been involved in developing the new Children and Young People’s Plan 2022-2025 which sets out a partnership vision and commitment to making Doncaster the most child friendly Borough in the Country; a place for Children and Young People to learn, grow and thrive.

This plan has been designed and written by young people for young people and we really want it to make a difference; focussing on want Children and Young People of Doncaster want and need in order for them to reach their full potential.

We are excited to say that we are now in a position to be able to share the plan and want it go reach as many people as possible!

We have created an engaging animated version of the plan, available to watch on YouTube here:

If you would like to see the full version of the plan, a copy can be downloaded via the Doncaster Council Your Voice webpage:

'YourVoice' for Children and Young People in Doncaster - Doncaster Council
