Proud Thursdays
24 June 2021
This Thursday we are pleased to launch Proud Thursday, a dedicated time each week where we will recognise and celebrate our pupils achievements.
24 June 2021
This Thursday we are pleased to launch Proud Thursday, a dedicated time each week where we will recognise and celebrate our pupils achievements.
18 June 2021
We have a small number of places available in our Nursery setting for a September 2021 start.
11 June 2021
Children in KS1 & KS2 will be taking part in a trust-wide sports day to compete to be the best school in the trust!
11 June 2021
I am writing this email to ask you and your school for some help. Here at Friends of Sandall Park (FOSP), we are all about getting people involved in what goes on around their park and making them aware of all the work which is done to help keep it amazing.
05 May 2021
Well done to all of our KS1 and KS2 children for taking part in England does the Daily Mile today. You all did a great job, even the children working remotely from home! #DailyMile #1MillionMoving
20 April 2021
The Government has asked us to share the following messages on how pupils can travel to and from school safely.
13 April 2021
This year, KS2 children will be taking part in the Rugby League World Cup Legacy Project on Thursday 22nd April. It is going to be a very exciting day as we have a rugby player coming into school to talk to and hopefully inspire our children.
20 November 2020
16 October 2020
29 September 2020
Further to recent correspondence from Mrs Nixon, we are now in a position to launch the new remote learning platform called “Seesaw”. This is an app which can be used on laptops, smartphones, tablets etc. This app will be used for all weekly home learning and for remote learning, if bubbles have to close or pupils are self-isolating due to symptoms.