
Safe Travel To School - Government Information

20 April 2021

The Government has asked us to share the following messages on how pupils can travel to and from school safely:

  • if you live a short distance from your school, walk or scoot to and from school wherever it is possible and safe to do so
  • avoid sharing a car with anyone outside of your household or support bubble
  • if you are using public transport to get to school or college, plan ahead and allow more time for your journey
  • when you are travelling by public or dedicated school transport, don’t forget to:
  • wear a face covering (unless you are exempt – including if you are aged 11 and under). It is important  you wear them for the entirety of your journey, including inside a bus or train station
  • social distance where possible
  • wash or sanitise your hands regularly
  • be considerate to fellow passengers and staff.

Further information can be found in our guidance on transport to school and other places of education. The Department for Transport has also created resources that can be downloaded and used by education settings to promote safe travel to school.
